I grew up in Greece, with ancient gods and myths for bedtime stories. I worked as a journalist for 8 years at the Greek subsidiary of Condé Nast before transitioning to digital media and leading the content for a global startup until 2017. After 30 years of a love-hate relationship with my hometown of Athens, and some occasional dalliances with New York and Norway, I eventually immigrated to Sweden in 2018. I currently take courses on history of religion, literature, cognitive linguistics and media at several Swedish universities, while working as a freelance ghostwriter and line/dev editor and learning that living on a farm with chickens and cows is cooler (and harder) than I could have ever imagined.
My non-fiction work has appeared in women’s magazines (Glamour, Marie Claire), advertising campaigns, and travel, wellness and spirituality websites (Greatist, Culture Trip, Skyscanner, WICCA magazine). When not writing my own stories, I am editing author manuscripts and query packages, and working as an assistant literary agent with Tobias Literary Agency. I also read poetry submissions and write short fiction reviews for HavenSpec, and acquire and edit SFF stories for Hugo-nominated khōréō.
I write mythpunk horroromance, which means that the tales I’m drawing inspiration from are not retold faithfully; I enjoy placing old characters in unexpected, often terrifying settings and reinterpreting the myths I grew up with for a contemporary, diverse audience. Thanks to my agent, Lauren Bieker of FinePrint Literary, my debut novel VILE LADY VILLAINS will be published with Penguin Michael Joseph in 2026. To save my sanity as I wait for that, I’m working on short stories and several other WIPS in various stages. Check out the Short Stories section for more on my published short fiction. Oh, and if you want to keep in touch and be the first to know about book updates, consider subscribing to my newsletter:

5 things you didn’t know about me
- I have a growing flock of cats (that’s Scooby, my oldest, in the photo) and chickens.
- I’m an Aries Sun with a Scorpio Rising, which means I never back down from a challenge… and I used that line to get hired at Glamour Magazine once!
- My favorite superhero is SheHulk. My favorite Doctor Who companion is Clara.
- I’ve dyed my hair in every color under the rainbow. Change is essential.
- I used to bake cakes as a side hustle. I still have STRONG feelings about fondant.